The Xera Syka Kymis PDO is an excellent dry fig obtained from the variety Traganikà and originating from the typical plants of the cultivation place.
Production Area
The Xera Syka Kymis PDO is produced exclusively in the region of Kymi, specifically in the territory delimited by the administrative boundaries of the municipal areas of Kymi, Vitala, Androniani, Pyrgos, Kalimeriani, Enoria, Platana, Ano Potamia, Oxylithos, Kipi, Maletiani, Vryssi, Orologio, Kadio, Ano Kourounio, Kato Kourounio, Taxyarches, Aghios Vlassios, in the Central Greece region.
Production Method
The fig cultivation takes place on terrains fertilized with natural manure every two years. The yearly pruning is followed by a period of scarce irrigation. The fruits are collected when they reach a stage between ripe and very ripe (excluding the figs fallen on the ground) and are placed in big straw baskets of 5 kg or 7 kg, ready to be transported to the drying process location. Generally, the local producers follow the traditional drying process method: the figs are arranged in big tins in orderly lines and exposed to the sun; alternatively, they are treated in special ovens. In both cases, the figs are dried for two to four hours, successively they are "castrated" (i.e., cut into) and placed in the sun once more: for three-four days for the figs coming from the oven, and four-six days for those that followed the traditional processing. These processed fruits are then placed in a clean place for another 15 days, then washed and packaged.
Appearance and Flavour
When harvested the Xera Syka Kymis PDO has a pale green colour. After the drying process, it is presented doubled, composed by two figs cut in half and clung together by the inner side, to form the classic "dried fig of Kymi". The oven-dried fruit has a white colour.
The cultivation of the Xera Syka Kymis PDO in Greece dates back to ancient times. This plant is native to Asia and was probably imported from there. The Greek poet Archilochos mentioned this plant and its very tasty fruit in 700 B.C. The production of dried figs is also very ancient, since this method is very useful to preserve a very good, yet very delicate fruit.
The Xera Syka Kymis PDO should be kept in a cool place, away from heat or light sources. It is consumed plain, but also as ingredient in the preparation of many sweets. It is also used by the distillation industry.
The product is sold as Xera Syka Kymis PDO, in the form of white fig (oven-baked) or natural. It is marketed in packages carrying the label Xera Syka Kymis PDO, a KY control code number and a progressive number, with the two last digits indicating the production year (e.g., KY-3200-08).
Distinctive Features
The cultivation, harvest and drying process of the Xera Syka Kymis PDO are executed following ancient procedures, passed on from generation to generation, which guarantee this product's high quality.