The Piave PDO is reserved for the following types of wine: Red; White, White Passito, Red Passito (the latter only with specification of grape variety). The Designation also incorporates numerous grape variety specifications.
Production Area
The production area of Piave PDO is within the territory of numerous municipalities in the provinces of Venice and Treviso, in the Veneto region.
Description of product typologies
Piave PDO Rosso is ruby red, tending towards garnet red with ageing; young wines display floral and fruity fragrances on the nose, acquiring notes of vanilla, roasted seeds, spices, liquorice and leather with ageing; it is dry and harmonious on the palate, with a pleasant hint of wood. It can display Riserva on the label. Piave PDO wines with specification of grape variety have the organoleptic properties that are typical of the grapes and terroir of origin. Piave PDO Rosso wines must be aged for a minimum period of 4 months, commencing November 1st of the year in which the grapes were produced; for Piave PDO Rosso Riserva wines the ageing period must last for at least 24 months.
Grape variety specifications
The Piave PDO may display the following grape variety specifications. From white grape varieties: min. 85% Manzoni Bianco, Tai (from Tocai Friulano), Verduzzo (from Verduzzo Trevigiano and/or Verduzzo Friulano, including Passito), Chardonnay, pure or with the addition of similarly-coloured grapes originating from other grape varieties suitable for cultivation in the concerned area, max. 15%. From red grape varieties: min. 85% Cabernet (from Cabernet Franc and/or Cabernet Sauvignon and/or Carmenère, including Riserva), Carmenère, Merlot (including Riserva), Raboso (from Raboso Piave and/or Raboso Veronese, including Passito), pure or with the addition of similarly-coloured grapes originating from other grape varieties suitable for cultivation in the concerned area, max. 15%. The characteristics of the colour, fragrances and flavour of each specification are those typical of the grape variety and terroir of origin. Grapes destined for the production of Piave PDO Raboso Passito and Piave PDO Verduzzo Passito wines must have been dried naturally and/or with the aid of air-conditioning systems, on the condition that the latter operates at a similar temperature to that found during traditional drying processes; the grapes cannot be pressed before November 15th of each year. Piave PDO Chardonnay, Piave PDO Tai, Piave PDO Manzoni Bianco and Piave PDO Verduzzo wines cannot be released for consumption before undergoing an ageing period of 2 months, commencing November 1st of the year in which the grapes were produced; for Piave PDO Cabernet, Piave PDO Merlot and Piave PDO Carmenère wines the ageing period is 2 months, while for Piave PDO Merlot Riserva, Piave PDO Cabernet Riserva and Piave PDO Raboso it is 24 months, commencing November 1st of the year in which the grapes were harvested. Piave PDO Raboso Passito wine must be aged for 18 months and Piave PDO Verduzzo Passito for 12 months, with the same starting date as the other wines. For wines produced from one grape variety, the addition of musts or wines belonging to the same designation is permitted, max. 15%.
Additional specifications
Reference to the colour is not permitted on the label in the presentation and designation of Piave PDO Rosso wines (including Riserva). The synonym Piave PDO Incrocio Manzoni 6.0.13 may be used in the presentation and designation of Piave PDO Manzoni Bianco wines.