The Volailles de Bourgogne PGI include different types of winged animals: poultry, partridges, ducks, quails, capons, pullets and partridge capons, Christmas turkeys and gooses. All these are rustic breeds which were selected thanks to the quality of their fowl and the slow-raising method. The poultry can have white or yellow flesh and red, black or white feathering, as well as yellow, black or blue legs and bare neck.
Production Area
The production area of Volailles de Bourgogne PGI covers the region of Bourgogne consisting of the 4 departments of Yonne, Cote d'Or, Nièvre and Saone-et-Loire.
Production Method
The winged animals are raised in the open air and free. The path of breeding in the open air is fenced off, with an available area of about 2 sq. m. per winged animal, whilst free breeding includes an unlimited path free from fences. The animals are subdivided into small groups in large grassy and shaded areas. The diet includes cereals (70% to 75% minimum depending on breed), completed with vegetable, soya and bean proteins. The duration of breeding for all breeds is about the double of the majority of standard winged animals and this guarantees a more compact and tasteful fowl. A scrupulous sanitary control is made, with regularly checked health conditions during all the production phases.
Appearance and Flavour
Volailles de Bourgogne PGI have differentiated characteristics depending on the specific variety. Partridges have precious fowls, black colour with a slight flavour of game, whilst ducks feature a tender and oily fowl with grey and black feathering. Christmas turkeys are much appreciated due to their tender but compact fowl and to an extraordinarily long, traditional breeding period in the open air.
The Volailles de Bourgogne PGI are the result of the historic tradition of aviculture in the production area. As in the rest of France, the farmyard, winged animal breeding has ancient origins, even though only in last century it has become an important economical resource in this geographic area.
The Volailles de Bourgogne PGI can be conserved for maximum 10 days after slaughtering as regards the selected slices, which are presented free from feathers and protected by means of a food film. Maximum 14 days after slaughtering for the selected slices, which are vacuum packed or with protected atmosphere and stored in the refrigerator. The Volailles de Bourgogne PGI are ideal to prepare tasteful second courses. Above all partridges, ducks and Christmas turkeys are required for Christmas and New Year feasts. The dishes cooked with these fowls are generally almost elaborated and complex. They require long cooking with the addition of sauces and stuffing. Truffled stuffing is appreciated as well as a stuffing enriched with acid cream, chestnuts and dry fruits. In some French regions, the roasted farm duck is the traditional dish of feasts.
The Volailles de Bourgogne PGI includes different types of products, depending on the specific varieties of poultry of the denomination which are individually written on the package. Amongst these, there are poulet fermier (noir e blanc), oie fermière à rôtir, dinde fermière de Noël, pintade fermière, chapon fermier (also blanc) (farm duck to roast, black and white farm chicken, Christmas farm turkey, farm guinea hen, farm capon, also white). The product is sold plucked, whole, with or without head, or sliced in different pieces (breast, legs, wings, quarters or only fillets). It is packed in suitable trays with protected atmosphere to guarantee a longer conservation and keep unaltered the organoleptic features of the fowl. The package is rigorously labelled to enable the product traceability.
Distinctive Features
The Volailles de Bourgogne PGI has higher taste qualities compared with standard winged animals due to breeding and diet characteristics, which are checked every year by means of accurate tests.