The Volailles d'Alsace PGI include different farmyard winged animals: poultry, guinea hens, turkeys, capons, guinea-hen capons and pullets.
Production Area
The production area of Volailles d'Alsace PGI includes the region Alsace, the smallest French region, with a real area of only 8,280 sq. m. The Alsace region consists of the departments of Bas-Rhin and Haut-Rhin.
Production Method
The breeding method of the different Volailles d'Alsace PGI breeds is diverse but always carried on in accordance with the animal wellness and with a particular attention to the grassy areas where the poultry can go. Nutrition includes high-quality raw materials, 100% vegetables, minerals and vitamins, with 75% to 80% of cereals. However the capon is also nurtured with milk.
Appearance and Flavour
Volailles d'Alsace PGI are white or yellowish colour, with fawn, black or white feathering, yellow, black or blue claws and bare neck, free from feathers. The bare neck capons, highly appreciated and demanded for feasts, have tender fowls with a tasteful flavour. The guinea hens have black, grey or maroon feathering, with small spots similar to white or silvery pearls and brown or black claws, whilst the fowl is compact and dark colour recalling the taste of game. They are raised in the open air or in aviary. The ducks are from Barbarie and Pékin breeds. Their feathering is grey, striped or white colour and their fowls are ideal to be roasted. The quail is a small rustic bird highly appreciated for feasts prepared with regional, culinary, traditional recipes. Thanks to special conditions of breeding in aviary, they can be found all year round.
The Volailles d'Alsace PGI have enjoyed of an important reputation since the first years of the 19th century, but already in precedent times the breeding of farmyard winged animals were a spread activity in the area farms.
The Volailles d'Alsace PGI fowl can be conserved in the refrigerator for a few days, wrapped into the purchasing paper and stored in the coldest compartment. The fowl can be cooked in different ways depending on the type: poultry, guinea hens, ducks, turkeys, capons, guinea-hen capons or pullets and, due to the high variety, it can be used for numerous gastronomic recipes. The Volailles d'Alsace PGI are always important second courses. These fowls, in line with the French culinary tradition, are almost always cooked with elaborated recipes, stuffed with ingredients rich of flavours and with the addition of refined sauces.
The Volailles d'Alsace PGI include different types of products, depending on the specific varieties of poultry of the denomination which are individually written on the package. Amongst them, there are poulet blanc fermier, dinde fermière de Noël, chapon fermier (white farm chicken, Christmas farm turkey, farm capon). The product is sold both whole and sliced, with or without head, fresh or frozen. Every winged animal, whole or sliced, is packed in appropriate trays with protected atmosphere to guarantee a longer conservation and keep unaltered the organoleptic features of fowls, with all the indications of origin.
Distinctive Features
The Volailles d'Alsace PGI distinguish themselves due to the high content of proteins and low fats; indeed, these characteristics make them ideal for a healthy and well-balanced diet.