The Vittoria PDO is reserved for the following types of wine: Red and Novello; White (only with specification of grape variety). The Designation also incorporates numerous grape variety specifications.
Production Area
The production area of Vittoria PDO is within the territory of numerous municipalities in the provinces of Ragusa, Caltanissetta and Catania, in the Sicily region.
Description of product typologies
Vittoria PDO Rosso varies from ruby red to cherry red; the nose reveals fragrances ranging from floral to fruity, at times with hints of dried fruit; it is dry, warm, full-bodied and smooth on the palate. Vittoria PDO Novello is ruby red, varying in intensity and at times with purplish reflections; the nose releases ample floral and fruity notes, with hints of raspberry and rose; it is smooth on the palate, offering harmonious sensations of small red fruit. Vittoria Protected Designation of Origin wine cannot be released for consumption before March 30th of the year following that in which the grapes were produced. The vinification processes of Vittoria PDO wines must take place within the territory of the Province of Ragusa, in the municipalities of Niscemi, Gela, Riesi, Butera and Mazzarino in the Province of Caltanissetta, or in the municipalities of Caltagirone, Licodia Eubea and Mazzarrone in the Province of Catania.
Grape variety specifications
The Vittoria PDO may display the following grape variety specifications. From white grape varieties: min. 85% Ansonica or Inzolia or Insolia, pure or with the addition of similarly-coloured grapes originating from other grape varieties suitable for cultivation in the concerned area, max. 15%. From red grape varieties: min. 85% Calabrese or Nero d’Avola, Frappato, pure or with the addition of similarly-coloured unaromatic grapes originating from other grape varieties suitable for cultivation in the concerned area, max. 15%. The characteristics of the colour, fragrances and flavour of each specification are those typical of the grape variety and terroir of origin. Vittoria PDO Calabrese and Vittoria PDO Nero d’Avola wines cannot be released consumption before June 1st of the following that in which the grapes were produced.