The Vicenza PDO is reserved for the following types of wine: White, Red (incl. Riserva), Rosé, White Spumante, Semi-Sparkling White, Semi-Sparkling Rosé, White Passito and Novello. The Designation also incorporates numerous grape variety specifications.
Production Area
The production area of Vicenza PDO is within the territory of numerous municipalities in the Province of Vicenza, in the Veneto region.
Description of product typologies
Vicenza PDO Bianco is straw-yellow, at times deep; the nose is slightly aromatic with intense fruity fragrances; it is harmonious on the palate, offering fresh, dry flavours. Vicenza PDO Rosso is ruby red, varying in intensity; the nose is intense and persistent, with notes of red berries; it is fresh, dry and harmonious on the palate. It can display Riserva on the label if the wine has been aged for a minimum period of 2 years, commencing November 1st of the year the grapes were produced in. Vicenza PDO Rosso Riserva is ruby red, varying in intensity; it is intense and persistent on the nose, offering notes of berries; the taste is dry, harmonious, robust and pleasantly tannic. Vicenza PDO Rosato is pink, varying in intensity; the nose reveals light, floral fragrances; it ranges from dry to semi-sweet on the palate. Vicenza PDO Rosato Frizzante is pink, varying in intensity, and has lively foam; the nose is delicate, offering floral notes; it ranges from dry to semi-sweet on the palate. Vicenza PDO Spumante Bianco is bright straw-yellow, varying in intensity, and has thin and persistent fine-grained foam; the nose is delicate and fruity, at times slightly aromatic with floral notes; it is fruity on the palate, with a sweet to dry flavour. Vicenza PDO Frizzante Bianco is straw-yellow; it is delicate and fruity on the nose, at times slightly aromatic with floral notes; it has a fresh flavour, ranging from dry to semi-sweet. Vicenza PDO Passito ranges from straw-yellow to golden yellow; the nose is fine, characteristic of passito; it is harmonious on the palate, either semi-sweet or sweet. Vicenza PDO Novello is intense ruby red, at times with purplish reflections; the nose is intense, offering notes of spices and red berries; it is rounded, sapid and smooth on the palate. Grapes destined for the vinification of Vicenza PDO Passito wine must be dried naturally; the use of systems and/or technologies is permitted, on the condition that the temperature is not higher than that of the natural process.
Grape variety specifications
The Vicenza PDO may display the following grape variety specifications. From white grape varieties: min. 85% Sauvignon, Pinot Bianco, Pinot Grigio, Chardonnay, Manzoni Bianco, Moscato (from Moscato Bianco and/or Moscato Giallo - incl. Spumante), Garganego (from Garganega), Riesling (from Riesling Renano and/or Riesling Italico), pure or with the addition of similarly-coloured unaromatic grapes originating from other grape varieties suitable for cultivation in the concerned area, max. 15%. From red grape varieties (incl. Riserva): min. 85% Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Nero, Raboso (from Raboso Veronese), Cabernet (from Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon and Carmenère), pure or with the addition of similarly-coloured unaromatic grapes originating from other grape varieties suitable for cultivation in the concerned area, max. 15%. The characteristics of the colour, fragrances and flavour of each specification are those typical of the grape variety and terroir of origin. Vicenza PDO Riserva wines with a red grape variety specification must be aged for a minimum period of 2 years, commencing November 1st of the year in which the grapes were produced.