The Traditional Farmfresh Turkey TSG is produced from selected parent-stock (which should be traceable back to hatch date and flock), grown to maturity and never to less than 20 weeks of age, reared in barns or in the open air.
Production Area
The tradition territory of Traditional Farmfresh Turkey TSG covers about the whole area of United Kingdom.
Production Method
From eight weeks of age the turkeys may be free range or must be housed in buildings which are both naturally lit and ventilated and give proper protection against any extremes of weather. Bedding must be deep-litter of freshly topped-up straw or softwood shavings. Turkeys are fed on a diet containing vegetable protein only from the age of six weeks. Neither antibiotics nor growth promoters are fed to the turkeys. From the tenth week 70% of the diet must consist of cereals. The birds must be killed in the same area they are reared. They are plucked and hung by their legs for from 7 to 14 days at a temperature of no more than 4°C.
Appearance and Flavour
Traditional Farmfresh Turkey TSG is produced from slow grown turkeys which gives them a good carcass and firm meat. The meat has a full flavour which increases in intensity according to the length of time the carcasses are hung.
The rearing of these types of birds has ancient origins. Fossilised remains testify to the fact that wild turkeys were domesticated in Mexico between 200 B.C. and 700 A.D. The rearing of turkey spread throughout Europe from the beginning of the 16th century when the Spanish returned from the Americas and began to breed these turkeys with wild turkeys to produce more nutritious breeds with more meat. Towards the end of the 20th century the popularity of these birds was such that they were classified by their shape, appearance and plumage.
Traditional Farmfresh Turkey TSG can be kept for a few days only in the coldest part of the refrigerator. It is eaten cooked whole or in joints or cuts. It is traditionally eaten at Christmas, stuffed and roasted in the oven accompanied with vegetables and roast potatoes.
This turkey is sold as Traditional Farmfresh Turkey TSG. It is sold cleaned and whole or in cuts and joints.
Distinctive Features
Traditional Farmfresh Turkeys TSG are produced from slow growing strains of the highest quality, finish, flavour, texture and presentation by traditional methods and by the highest welfare and environmentally friendly means.