The Tørrfisk fra Lofoten PGI designation refers to individual adult Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), caught around the islands of Lofoten and Vesterålen, that have been gutted, beheaded and dried.
Production Area
The production area for Tørrfisk fra Lofoten PGI is within the territory of the Lofoten islands, which are comprised of the administrative districts of Flakstad, Moskenes, Røst, Vestvågøy, Værøy and Vågan.
Production Method
Tørrfisk fra Lofoten PGI is obtained from Atlantic cod caught around the islands of Lofoten and Vesterålen between January and April, the period during which adult cod move from the cold Polar waters of the Barents sea to those surrounding the islands in order to reproduce. The adult cod are gutted, beheaded and then dried. Natural drying preserves the fish and at the same time contributes to the curing process, mainly due to the significant reduction in the water content. This process produces a nutrient-rich product with a long shelf-life; it has a particularly high protein content (between 68 and 78%, compared with just 18% in fresh cod). The product is considered fully dried when the right “fish sound” (dense and strong) is obtained when tapping the fish. The ability to assess the right “fish sound” requires extensive knowledge and experience. The most delicate part of the operation is the grading process, which the company entrusts to an expert who is responsible for sub-dividing the various types of Tørrfisk fra Lofoten PGI according to quality.
Appearance and Flavour
Tørrfisk fra Lofoten PGI offers the palate a full flavour, while it has an extremely strong fishy smell; it is between 40 and 90 cm long and the skin is a golden colour. Tørrfisk fra Lofoten PGI has a moisture content of 16-27%, a protein content of 68-78% and a fat content of approximately 1%.
The natural drying of fish has been practiced on the Lofoten islands since the beginning of the 1100s, and is an intrinsic part of Norwegian culture. Knowledge of drying and grading practices on these islands has been passed down through the generations and is fundamental for obtaining the quality of the final product. The grading process requires in-depth knowledge and is performed by so-called “graders” (Vrakeren). Stockfish has and continues to be an important product in Norwegian exports
Distinctive Features
Tørrfisk fra Lofoten PGI has a different structure from deep sea fish, particularly in regard to the muscular flesh; in fact, the long migration gives the flesh the quality it requires to withstand the natural drying process. The coastal fishermen need travel only a short distance to fish, which means that the cod can be caught and delivered on the same day, an aspect that has a significant affect on the quality of the final product. The Gulf stream also contributes to creating particularly favourable climatic conditions for drying fish naturally (temperate winters and dry springs), and this is a determining factor in obtaining quality Tørrfisk fra Lofoten PGI.