The Alpi Retiche PGI is reserved for the following types of wine: White, Red, Rosé (including Frizzante), White Passito, Red Passito, White Late Harvest, Red Late Harvest, Red Novello; White Spumante Classic Method and Rosé Spumante Classic Method (only with specification of the grape variety). The Indication also incorporates numerous grape variety specifications.
Production Area
The production area of Alpi Retiche PGI is within the territory of numerous municipalities in the Province of Sondrio, in the Lombardy region.
Description of product typologies
Alpi Retiche PGI Bianco, alone or with specification of grape variety, is yellow, at times with greenish reflections; the nose offers fragrances of peach, almond, pineapple, vanilla, apple and wisteria; it is balanced and smooth on the palate, with fruity sensations. Alpi Retiche PGI Rosso, alone or with specification of grape variety, is ruby-red; the nose reveals notes of cherry, cranberry, cocoa, Mediterranean scrub and sweet spices; it is smooth and sapid on the palate, with balanced tannins and fruity returns. Alpi Retiche PGI Rosato, alone or with specification of grape variety, varies from dull to intense pink; the nose displays fragrances of violet, wisteria and fresh berries, with delicate grassy sensations; it is fresh, sapid and smooth on the palate, with a fruity finish. It can also be produced as semi-sparkling wine. Alpi Retiche PGI Passito Bianco, alone or with specification of grape variety, is intense yellow with golden reflections; the nose reveals fragrances of dried fruit and honey; it is warm, full, sweet and elegant on the palate. Alpi Retiche PGI Passito Rosso, alone or with specification of grape variety, has a beautiful intense ruby-red colour; the nose is floral with fragrances of dried fruit; the fruitiness and sweet tones of the nose return on the palate, offering a harmonious and pleasant wine. Alpi Retiche PGI Vendemmia Tardiva Bianco, alone or with specification of grape variety, is straw-yellow with golden reflections; the nose offers fragrances of dried apricot and dried fruit, with delicate mineral hints; it is full and elegant on the palate, with a slightly almondy finish. Alpi Retiche PGI Vendemmia Tardiva Rosso, alone or with specification of grape variety, is ruby-red; the nose bursts with intense fruity and sweet notes; it is decisive and sweet on the palate, embracing, with good tannins. Alpi Retiche PGI Novello, alone or with specification of grape variety, is ruby-red, varying in intensity; the nose is vinous and slightly fruity; it is smooth, fresh, sweet and velvety on the palate. Alpi Retiche PGI Passito wines must be obtained with grapes that have been dried in drying rooms, while Vendemmia Tardiva wines must be produced with grapes that have been dried on the vines and harvested later. Before being released for consumption, Alpi Retiche PGI Passito and Vendemmia Tardiva wines must undergo a mandatory ageing period, which can last up until June 30th of the year following that of the grape harvest.
Grape variety specifications
Alpi Retiche PGI with the specification of one of the grape varieties suitable for cultivation or found in the concerned area, is reserved for wines that are obtained from grapes originating from vineyards on the producer’s land made up of at least 85% of the corresponding grape variety. Similarly-coloured unaromatic A maximum of 15% of grapes originating from other grape varieties suitable for cultivation in the concerned area can be used, pure or combined, to produce the above-mentioned wines. Alpi Retiche PGI Spumante Bianco Metodo Classico with specification of grape variety has fine and intense foam; it ranges from various shades of straw-yellow to golden yellow; the nose is elegant, delicate and ample, with complex notes given to the secondary fermentation in the bottle; it is fresh, sapid and elegant on the palate, harmonious in the wines with a zero to demi-sec dosage. Alpi Retiche PGI Rosé Spumante Metodo Classico has fine and intense foam; it is pink, varying in intensity; the nose is elegant, delicate and ample with complex notes given to the secondary fermentation in the bottle; it is fresh, sapid and elegant on the palate, harmonious in the wines with a zero to demi-sec dosage. The Alpi Retiche Spumante Metodo Classico PGI, including Rosé, is reserved for wines made with the following grape varieties present in vineyards on the producer’s land, on their own or combined: Chardonnay, Pinot Bianco, Pignola, Rossola, Nebbiolo. The additional specification of the name of the grape variety is only permitted when the Alpi Retiche PGI wine has the same colour as the grape variety of origin. For Spumante Metodo Classico wine, including Rosé, the specification of Nebbiolo, Rossola and Pignola grape varieties is permitted even when the colour of the wine (white or rosé) is different from that of the grapes.