The Ternera de Navarra PGI is a meat obtained from Pirenaica, Bruno-Alpina, Blonde de Aquitaine, Charolaise bovines and the relative cross breeds. The meat is subdivided into Ternero and Ternera. The Ternero is a male animal which is slaughtered when aged between 9 and 13 months, while the Ternera is a female animal slaughtered when aged between 8 and 12 months.
Production Area
The production area of Ternera de Navarra PGI covers the north-western zones of Pirineos, Cuenca de Pamplona, Tierra Estrella, Navarra Media, Ribera Alta and the districts of Valtierra, Arguedas, Castejón, Corella, Fitero, Cintruénigo, Tudela, Murchante, Cascante, Culebras, Monteagudo, Barillas, Ablitas, Fontellas, Cabanillas, Ribaforada, Fustiriana, Buñuel and Cortes in Ribera Baja region, all in the Autonomous Community of Navarra.
Production Method
In summer, the bovines are pastured at the open air with fresh fodder found in the pastures. In winter, the livestock is brought in stalls and nurtured with dried forage. The calves are weaned when aged four months and then are nurtured with cereals, legumes and authorized concentrated food. During suckling, the cows can receive additional food consisting of corn, barley, wheat and soya and authorized concentrated food. Transport and slaughtering are made in conformity with the regulations which guarantee the quality of the product. The resting or maturing time of the meat in big refrigerators at suitable temperature is of minimum seven days before selling.
Appearance and Flavour
The Ternera de Navarra PGI meat is tender, succulent and characterized by strong taste. The aroma and taste of fat is weak and the proportion of intramuscular fat is low. It can be deep pink, light red or red coloured.
The sheep-farming and bovine-raising originate in ancient times in the production area of Ternera de Navarra PGI. This area's pastures and valleys have always been inhabited by bovines perfectly inserted into the natural environment, used for the production of milk and meats.
The Ternera de Navarra PGI meat can be stored in the refrigerator for a few days, wrapped with a protection film and placed in the coolest compartment. There are many ways in which to cook and consume this product. It is highly appreciated when grilled or oven roasted, stewed or boiled. Due to its high content of proteins and iron, it is ideal for the diet of sportspersons and children. The opportunity to combine the meat with other food is infinite: with mushrooms, artichokes, vegetables and greens and to fill ravioli or cannelloni; in addition, exquisite dishes can be prepared with plucks. The meat is seasoned with different sauces. Perfect with red wines.
The product is sold as Ternera de Navarra PGI Ternero and Ternera, as registered in regulations. The meat is sold cut, in portions or packed in sealed trays in different weights.
Distinctive Features
The bovine breed of Ternera de Navarra PGI can adapt perfectly to extreme conditions, cold climate and rough grounds.