Scottish Farmed Salmon PGI is Atlantic salmon of the species Salmo salar.
Production Area
Scottish Farmed Salmon PGI are grown in the marine waters off the western coast of mainland Scotland, the Western Isles, Orkney and the Shetland Islands.
Production Method
Rearing the salmon begins with the collection of the eggs from broodstock. The fertilised eggs are incubated in freshwater hatcheries until they hatch and grow into fry. The fry are reared in freshwater farms for between eight months and one year before they become smolts. At this stage they are transferred to sea pens around the west coast and the western and northern Isles of Scotland, where they grow for a period of one to two years, fed on a diet including fish meal and fish oil. They are then humanely harvested, gutted and iced.
Appearance and Flavour
Scottish Farmed Salmon PGI have a consistent shape and, when viewed laterally, a rounded ventral body surface. They are firm with a fibrous to smooth texture and are an iridescent, silver colour. The flesh is smooth and has a consistent flavour.
The first efforts to incubate and hatch salmon eggs took place in the 19th century and the first Scottish salmon farm was established in 1969. In 1980, Scottish salmon farming production accounted for 600 tonnes, this total rising to 130,000 tonnes in 2008. The most strictly regulated aquaculture industry in the world, Scottish salmon farming provides around 6,200 jobs, often in remote, rural communities.
Gutted, cleaned and frozen Scottish Farmed Salmon PGI can be kept for a maximum of three months. It should be placed in the refrigerator for 18 to 36 hours to be defrosted or three to four hours at room temperature. Whole fish should be washed in cold, running water to remove any external scales or bones. Salmon portions should not be washed, as this might lead to some loss of flavour. Scottish Farmed Salmon may be cooked in a variety of ways and is a tasty, nutritious food which is rich in vitamins, protein and minerals and a particularly good source of long-chain Omega 3 fatty acids.
Scottish Farmed Salmon PGI is sold as whole fish or cuts. It is packed in food grade boxes or containers. It is also used in the preparation of smoked salmon, ready meals, salmon mousse and salmon paté .
Distinctive Features
The sea water lochs and inlets of Scotland provide an ideal environment for salmon farming. This environment is characterised by high flushing rates which in turn lead to strong currents and a high water exchange, ensuring that the fish are continually swimming and therefore producing lean meat. The small fluctuations in water temperature over any given year ensure a pristine environment for the fish, contributing to the even and consistent flavour and texture of Scottish Farmed Salmon PGI.