The Primitivo di Manduria PDO is reserved exclusively for Red wines.
Production Area
The production area of Primitivo di Manduria PDO is within the territory of the municipalities of Manduria, Carosino, Monteparano, Leporano, Pulsano, Faggiano, Roccaforzata, San Giorgio Jonico, San Marzano di San Giuseppe, Fragagnano, Lizzano, Sava, Torricella, Maruggio and Avetrana, and of the district of Talsano and the administrative islands of the Municipality of Taranto, situated within the municipalities of Fragagnano and Lizzano, in the Province of Taranto and the municipalities of Erchie, Oria and Torre S. Susanna in the Province of Brindisi, in the Apulia region.
Description of product typologies
Primitivo di Manduria PDO has a very deep ruby-red colour that tends towards garnet with ageing; the nose offers ample and complex fragrances ranging from fruity suggestions of prune and cherry jam to notes of tobacco and mild spiciness; it is smooth and full-bodied on the palate, rich with noble tannins and has a finish that displays notes of cocoa, coffee and vanilla. It can display Riserva on the label if the wine has undergone a minimum ageing period of 24 months, of which at least 9 months must be in wood, commencing November 1st of the year in which the grapes were harvested. Primitivo di Manduria PDO wine can be released for consumption from March 31st of the year following that in which the grapes were produced: Primitivo di Manduria PDO Riserva wines can be put on the market two years after March 31st of the year following that in which the grapes were produced.