Pomodorino del Piennolo del Vesuvio PDO refers to the fresh or preserved al piennolo (in large bunches) tomato of local ecotypes belonging to the Lycopersicon esculentum Miller species.METODO DI LAVORAZIONEThe tomatoes are cultivated exclusively in open fields. The plants must develop vertically until they reach a height of 80 cm, supported by stakes that prevent the fruits touching the ground. Harvesting takes place in the period between the end of June and the third week of August. The bunches (schiocche) are put on a thread of vegetable fibre to create a large single bunch, known as a piennolo. The piennolo is then hung from suitable hooks or supports in dry and well-ventilated rooms. This storage method allows the tomatoes to ripen slowly, which ensures that they maintain their Organoleptic properties for up to 7-8 months after harvesting.
Production Area
The production area of Pomodorino del Piennolo del Vesuvio PDO is within the territory of 18 municipalities in the Province of Naples, most of which are situated within the Vesuvio National Park, in the Campania region.
Production Method
Pomodorino del Piennolo del Vesuvio PDO is a ripe tomato berry, with lateral grooves (ribs) which, together with the so-called pizzo (pointed end), give this fruit its characteristic shape. The skin is fairly thick and the flesh is very firm and compact, with a low water content, making it almost crunchy on eating. When eaten fresh, it has an intense and fresh flavour. The Pomodorino del Piennolo del Vesuvio PDO preserved with the al piennolo method has a dark red skin and intense red flesh, with a slightly bitter aftertaste.
Appearance and Flavour
The practise of cultivating and preserving tomatoes on the slopes of Vesuvius is mentioned in various different studies published between the mid-XIX century and the beginning of the XX century. Among these, there is a document written by Bruni in 1858, entitled Degli ortaggi e loro coltivazione presso la città di Napoli. The writer mentions tomatoes tied up in garlands, and refers to their characteristic flavour and preservability, which they acquired thanks to the particular preservation method that was used. In 1885, the Annuario della Regia Scuola Superiore di Agricoltura di Portici indicated the necessary techniques for the cultivation and preservation of tomatoes. Further testimonies can be found in farming studies carried out by the renowned School of Agriculture in Portici, which later became the Faculty of Agriculture.
Pomodorino del Piennolo del Vesuvio PDO remains unaltered until the spring following the harvest, on the condition that the bunches are hung in a cool, dry and well-ventilated place. It is the main ingredient for numerous dishes, such as the classic spaghetti with fresh tomato sauce or as a pizza topping. It is ideal for using in fish and seafood dishes.
The product is marketed as Pomodorino del Piennolo del Vesuvio PDO, in the following typologies: Fresh, Preserved “al piennolo” and Preserved as tomato berries or in bunches. The Fresh product is sold as individual tomato berries or in bunches, in suitable sealed recipients weighing a maximum of 10 kg; the product Preserved “al piennolo” is sold in large bunches with a maximum weight of 5 kg, always with the identifying PDO mark, or in suitable sealed recipients; the product Preserved as tomato berries or in bunches are sold in suitable sealed recipients with a weight of no more than 10 kg.
The extremely fertile volcanic soil and the climate, which is characterised by high thermal excursions between day and night, promote the long and natural preservation of Pomodorino del Piennolo del Vesuvio PDO, giving the skin a greater consistency and more flavour to the berries.
Distinctive Features
The extremely fertile volcanic soil and the climate, which is characterised by high thermal excursions between day and night, promote the long and natural preservation of Pomodorino del Piennolo del Vesuvio PDO, giving the skin a greater consistency and more flavour to the berries.