The Pintadeau de la Drôme PGI is meat from young guinea fowl obtained by animals belonging to slow-growing strains with a breastbone having a flexible and non-boned end. The live average weight for slaughtering has to be of 1,750 gr, with an allowed difference of 450 gr; the animals have to be aged between 87 and 100 days.
Production Area
The production area of Pintadeau de la Drôme PGI includes 256 municipal areas of the department of Drôme, in region Rhone Alpes, almost each situated at a height lower than 500 metres above sea level.
Production Method
Except of incubation, slaughtering and packaging, the breeding phases of Pintadeau de la Drôme PGI take place in the production area. Slow-growing strains have to come from the Drôme area and to originate from crossbreeding with animals having the same phenotype and organoleptic character. The density in farms has to be of maximum 13 guinea fowls/sq. m. Once aged of six-eight weeks, the animals can be put in an aviary from 9 am to the evening. The aviary must have a height of more than two metres and an area two times larger than the building. The diet consists of exclusively vegetable and mineral food, rich in vitamins. After slaughtering, which takes place when the animals are aged of between 87 and 100 days, the carcasses are selected. These last are characterised by thin skin covered with a light layer of sebaceous matter, not very fat and without the addition of water. They must be of class A and weigh at least 850 gr, when gut, and 1,100 gr when voided of large intestine.
Appearance and Flavour
Pintadeau de la Drôme PGI is obtained by guinea fowls with a grey-bluish feathering, with a dark tarsus. The meat has a compact and fibrous consistency and a low content of fat. The taste is very rich and piquant.
The origin of the Pintadeau de la Drôme PGI breeding goes back to the end of the 19th century. The Court of first instance of Valence confirmed that in 1069 and gave it the guaranteed designation of origin according to national law. Evidence of the sale of guinea fowl meat goes back between the two Wars, albeit probably its reputation dates back to the years before the First World War. The fame and appreciation of Pintadeau de la Drôme are confirmed either by its attendance to the tasting in Brussels in 1993 or by the bronze medal won in 1996 on occasion of the general competition of agriculture. Today Pintadeau de la Drôme PGI can be found in many menus of regional restaurants. It has been considered for years at the same level with "origin and quality" products, as demonstrated by the guide Promenade gourmande en Drôme - Une table et un terroir (Gastronomic trip in the Drôme area - A cuisine, a region).
The meat of Pintadeau de la Drôme PGI can be stored in refrigerator for a few days, in the coolest compartment. It can be cooked in different recipes: stewed, roasted, sautéed or roasted in oven. Pintadeau de la Drôme PGI is highly appreciated together with olives or champignon mushrooms.
The product is sold as Pintadeau de la Drôme PGI. It is sold either whole and non packed, when voided of large intestine, or laying on a tray and covered with film, when ready to be cooked. It is also available in selected slices or laying on a tray covered with a film or vacuum packed.
Distinctive Features
The production area of Pintadeau de la Drôme PGI, which is characterised by a sunny climate and porous soils, and the breeding method, which is based on the use of specific strains from the production area, are determining to achieve the specific features of the animals, such as the dark pigmentation of feathers and meat and the formation of fat.