The Pera dell’Emilia Romagna PGI refers to the fresh pear deriving from the following varieties: Abate Fetel, Conference, Decana del Comizio, Kaiser, Max Red Bartlett, Cascade, Passa Crassana, William, Santa Maria, and Carmen.
Production Area
The production area of Pera dell’Emilia Romagna PGI is within several municipalities in the provinces of Reggio Emilia, Ferrara, Modena, Ravenna and Bologna, in the Emilia Romagna region.
Production Method
The plantation systems are those which are traditionally used in the production area, with the possibility of planting 6000 plants per hectare for new plantations. Where possible, integrated or organic pest control is preferred. Harvesting is staggered according to the different varieties: the Santa Maria and Carmen, both summer varieties, are the first to fully ripen, followed by William and Max Red Bartlett pears, then the Conference variety, which is harvested in the first half of September; the Cascade, Passa Crassana, Decana del Comizio and Abate Fetel varieties are harvested in the second ten days of September, and the Kaiser variety ripens at the end of September. Harvesting is generally carried out by hand. Total production per unit is 50 tonnes per hectare for all the permitted varieties.
Appearance and Flavour
The Abate Fetel variety of Pera dell’Emilia Romagna PGI is fairly long, with a pale green-yellowish colour and russeting on either end; the Conference is pear-shaped and often symmetrical, with greenish-yellow skin evident rust-coloured hues; the Decana del Comizio is turbinated and has a smooth pale greenish-yellow skin that is often pinkish, with dispersed russeting; the Kaiser is pear-shaped with a wrinkly russetted skin; the William and Max Red Bartlett are squat apple or pear-shaped, with a smooth skin that is pinkish or bright red over a yellowish-green background, sometimes streaky; the Cascade variety is a heterogeneous barrel shape with vertical and transverse asymmetry, and the skin is bright red over a light green background, with dispersed russetting; the Passa Crassana is an apple shape, often barrel-shaped, and is consistent and green with speckled russetting; the Santa Maria is a pear or truncated pear-shape, with a smooth yellowish-green skin; Carmen is a pumpkin shape, slightly elongated and green with pink streaks. All varieties are sweet and sometimes aromatic.
The first historic references to pear cultivation date back to the beginning of the 1300s. This fruit was well-known and appreciated in Emilia-Romagna, so much so that it is depicted on a panel from around 1420, the Madonna della Pera, believed to be the work of an anonymous Venetian master and today found in the Pinacoteca Comunale in Cesena. It appears that arboriculture was not practiced much during the late Middle Ages, and agronomists only began to pay serious attention to this productive sector towards the end of the 15th century. Therefore, by the 17th century, the hills of Romagna and Emilia were covered with fruit tree orchards.
Pera dell’Emilia Romagna PGI should be put in a paper bag and can be kept at room temperature for 2-3 days, or for around 7 days if kept in the least cold compartment of the refrigerator. As well as being eaten fresh, it can also be used as an ingredient in a wide variety of dishes, ranging from fish starters to pasta, risotto and meat, such as pork fillet.
The product is marketed as Pera dell’Emilia Romagna PGI, in the following varieties: Abate Fetel, Conference, Decana del Comizio, Kaiser, Max Red Bartlett, Cascade, Passa Crassana, William, Santa Maria and Carmen. It is available between July 25th and May 31st of the following year.
Distinctive Features
The high productivity and excellent quality of Pera dell’Emilia Romagna PGI is given to the local pedoclimatic characteristics and the professional skills of the producers.