The Nocino di Modena Geographical Indication is reserved for the liqueur obtained from the ageingof a hydroalcoholic infusion of walnut husks (Juglans regia L.).
Production Area
The production area of Nocino di Modena GI is within the territory of the Province of Modena, in the Emilia-Romagna region.
Production Method
Nocino di Modena GI is made by roughly chopping or slicing the walnuts, still with their tender green husks, and leaving them to steep in alcohol for a minimum of 4 months. Once steeped, the infusion (which has an alcohol content of between 46-65% ABV) is tapped and left to age for a minimum of 6 months. Sugars, water and an infusion of spices are added to the walnut infusion, as well as alcohol, until the desired alcohol percentage is reached. Once the product has reached the established alcohol content (38%-43% ABV), the liqueur is left to mature for a minimum of 10 days. It is then filtered and bottled. The sugars can be dissolved in advance. Nocino di Modena GI must be bottled in glass bottles with a maximum capacity of 1.5 litres.
Product Characteristics
Nocino di Modena GI liqueur is obtained by ageinga hydroalcoholic infusion of walnut husks (Juglans regia L.). The walnut husks must represent a minimum of 250 g per litre of the final product. Other optional ingredients like infusions of spices (cinnamon, cloves and coriander) are allowed. It has an alcohol content of between 38% ABV and 43% ABV and a sugar content of between 150 to 400 g per litre, expressed as invert sugar.
Link with the territory
According to tradition, the walnuts are harvested on June 24th, Saint John’s day, when the fruit is not yet fully ripe and the husk is green and tender. Ancient folklore has it that the dew which formed on the night between June 23rd and 24th, was a sort of panacea of all evils, especially for problems related to the digestive system and gastro-intestinal disorders, for which Nocino was considered an excellent remedy. The connection between Saint John’s day and the time the liqueur was made, reveals a custom and cultural value which still revolve the around a widespread consumption of Nocino today.
Legislative information
The Nocino di Modena Geographical Indication is registered in Annex III of Regulation (EC) No. 110/2008 on the definition, description, presentation, labelling and protection of Geographical Indications of spirit drinks and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No. 1576/89 (published in the OJEU L. 39 of 13.02.2008), as modified by EC Reg. No. 1067/2016 and Reg. 674/2019. Notwithstanding the entry into force of the new EU Reg. 787/2019, which repeals Reg. 110/2008 and – as far as GIs are concerned – has been applied since 8 June 2019, Annex III will continue to apply until the creation of the GI Register referred to in art. 33 of the new regulation. Generally, article 24, paragraph 1 of Regulation 787/2019 states that for every single Geographical Indication a technical file containing the requirements set out in the same article must be presented to the European Commission. The technical file for Nocino di Modena GI is contained in decree no. 3510 issued by the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies on 10 June 2014, as modified by the decree of 8 June 2016 (published in the Italian Official Journal no. 139 of 16.06.2016).