Magiun de Prune Topoloveni PGI is a jam made from fully ripe common plums of the Prunus domestica L. ssp domestica species (Brumarii) and its varieties.
Production Area
Magiun de Prune Topoloveni PGI is produced in the town of Topoloveni and in the villages of Vitichesti, Tiganesti, Botarcani, Goranesti, Crintesti, Inuri and Golestii Badii, in the district of Arges.
Production Method
The plums are delivered to the processing facility, washed and selected. They are then heated in special stainless steel recipients for 4-5 minutes, after which they are crushed in two stages. The plum pulp is concentrated by boiling in open, double-walled vats, using steam which circulates through the double walls of the vats without exposing the product to a direct flame. The double-walled vats are fitted with wooden anchor stirrers, which ensure that the plum pulp is constantly kept in a homogenous state in order to prevent sticking and caramelisation. This is a very delicate stage because over-boiling can create a burnt smell and taste and reduced boiling may cause the finished product to ferment. The water must be eliminated at a controlled temperature in order to obtain a concentration of minimum 55 % dry matter. The process lasts 9-12 hours. The final stage is cooling. The product is decanted gradually over 5-7 days, the time it takes the product to cool completely at room temperature, into barrels lined with food-quality film.
Appearance and Flavour
Magiun de Prune Topoloveni PGI is dark brown in colour as it is made from plums that are fully ripe and because of the long boiling time during the concentration stage. The paste is fine and homogenous, without lumps or pieces of peel. The jam has a pleasant sweet-sour taste derived from the fully ripe plums, and a strong, pleasant smell.
The production of Magiun de prune Topoloveni PGI is strongly linked to the town of Topoloveni. According to local archives, the tradition dates back to 1914, when the first magiun factory was established by a local family (the family of Maximilian Popovici). In 1941, the factory was taken over by the Ministry of Agriculture and given the name 'Cooperativa din Topoloveni' (Topoloveni Cooperative) thereby increasing production capacity. Despite various changes in ownership, the factory continues to produce notable quantities of Magiun de prune Topoloveni. The reputation of this product is attested by frequent articles and specialist reports and it was awarded the Marca de Aur (Golden Trademark) prize for excellence by the Romanian General Industrial Association. In 2010, Magiun de prune Topoloveni PGI was awarded an important prize by the ITQI (International Taste & Quality Institute).
Magiun de Prune Topoloveni PGI, closed in its original packaging, should be kept in a cool dry place. Once opened it should be refrigerated. The product can be eaten in its natural state, spread on bread or toast for breakfast. In Romanian tradition it is used in the preparation of desserts, but also as a filling for chocolates, croissants and dry biscuits.
The product is marketed as Magiun de Prune Topoloveni PGI. It is packaged in glass jars of 350 and 800 gr.
Distinctive Features
Magiun de Prune Topoloveni PGI is cooked in special double-walled vats: it is the steam that circulates between the walls that heats the product and not the direct flame.