Limone di Rocca Imperiale PGI is a fresh fruit belonging to the species Citrus limon Burm, deriving from the Femminello cultivar.
Production Area
The production area of Limone di Rocca Imperiale PGI is within the administrative territory of the Municipality of Rocca Imperiale, in the Province of Cosenza, in the Calabria region.
Production Method
Both the establishment of new plantations and the varietal conversion of already existing lemon groves with cultivars belonging to the Femminello group are permitted. The trees are pruned towards the end of winter, without overlapping with the fruit bearing period. Irrigation varies depending on the season and the tree’s needs, while fertilisation is based on the fertility of the soil and is carried out according to the production method, as is pest control. The fruit are harvested year-round, and the procedure must be carried out with extreme care so as not to damage the lemons and consequently permit fungal parasites to enter the fruit. They must be harvested during dry weather, waiting for when the fruit are no longer covered in the condensation from the previous night.
Appearance and Flavour
Limone di Rocca Imperiale PGI is medium-sized and an elongated shape, with a peel that varies from greenish-yellow to yellow in colour. The pulp is seedless and pale yellow, with clear and abundant juice, which is neither sour nor bitter.
Lemon production in the Rocca Imperiale area dates back to the 17th century, while the first exports were registered between 1865 and 1870, during trade fairs in Naples in which the first traders participated. In 1877, lemon production in Rocca – as far as the number of trees were concerned – was only inferior to that of the municipalities of Trebisacce, Corigliano and Rossano, which were much larger than Rocca Imperiale. Starting in the 1950s, traditional crops were replaced with specialised plantations, which are still operating today. The name “Limone di Rocca Imperiale” has been well-established for over 25 years and the current use of the designation, including in bordering areas, is demonstrated by the commercial and transportation documents of farms in the area, parish records, local fairs, and events organised by professional farming organisations. As testimony to the vitality of a tradition that is deeply rooted in the area, Rocca Imperiale holds a series of events in July and August, the last being the Lemon Fest, which highlight this excellent product through the tasting of lemons and its derivatives.
Limone di Rocca Imperiale PGI should be kept in the refrigerator or in a cool, dry place, preferably in a paper bag. Its juice and essential oils make this product a particularly suitable ingredient for cakes, such as lemon cake with Limone di Rocca Imperiale PGI cream, sorbets and ice-cream. The peel can be used to flavour drinks like tea, tonic water and cocktails, grated on meat and fish, or to garnish pasta dishes like spaghetti al limone. In cooking it is best used in the form of a sauce, for example cod nuggets with Limone di Rocca Imperiale IGP sauce. It is also used in oven-baked dishes and liqueurs.
The product is marketed as Limone di Rocca Imperiale PGI. It is sold in wooden, plastic or cardboard containers and/or trays; in net bags with a maximum weight of 5 kg; in perforated boxes. The sale categories are: Extra, First and Second.
Distinctive Features
Limone di Rocca Imperiale PGI has a juice yield of higher than 30%, acidity higher than 4.5%, and a limonene content – an essential oil that gives the product an intense and persistent fragrance – of over 70%.