Jersey Royal Potatoes PDO are an early selection of the International Kidney variety and are also known as Jerseys or Royals.
Production Area
Jersey Royal Potatoes PDO are grown on the Island of Jersey in the English Channel, just off the coast of France.
Production Method
Most of the crop is planted by hand. Each grower selects his own seed which is planted at the second shoot stage. Use is made of seaweed as fertiliser and this enhances the flavour of the potatoes. The potatoes are harvested between the months of April and June, with the seed crop harvested into July.
Appearance and Flavour
Jersey Royal Potatoes PDO typically have an elongated, kidney shape. The skin is yellow and is easily removed after cooking. They have a pleasant aroma and a firm consistency. The plant has dark green leaves with wavy edges and robust stems.
The origin of the Jersey Royal Potatoes PDO dates back to about 1880. Hugh de la Haye and fellow farmers, after a dinner following the Grande Charrue, cut a potato he had been given which had 15 "eyes" (from which new plants grow) into pieces which they planted on a côtil above Bellozanne Valley. These produced a large early crop which though the mother tuber had been round all the new ones were kidney shaped. The unexpected discovery of these tubers originally led them to be called Jersey Royal Fluke. The farmers decided to try and export the new product to England where it achieved notable success.. In the following years they conquered both the London and international markets. Today the Jersey Royal Potato is still the earliest potato of the year and unique in its flavour and quality.
Jersey Royal Potatoes PDO should be stored in a cool, dark, dry place, preferably in paper sacks that let the potatoes breathe. They can either be boiled or steamed in their skins or the skins can be simply scraped off when fresh. In addition they can also be oven cooked or cooked on the barbecue or in many meat recipes. Their distinctive flavour goes well with dry wines or beer.
The product is sold as Jersey Royal Potatoes PDO. They are sold in 6 kg rigid containers, in 5,kg, 10 kg, 15 kg and 20 kg paper sacks, in 20 kg returnable crates and also in 1000 kg sacks and a range of pre-packs for retail outlets. In the British Isles nearly all the production is sold in supermarkets, wholesale or by small and large retailers.
Distinctive Features
The temperate climate of this island and its fertile soil together with the use of seaweed as a fertilizer permit an earlier crop than is possible in the rest of the British Isles giving Jersey Royal Potatoes PDO a decided advantage in the market.