The Idiazábal PDO is a fat cheese of pressed paste, made with whole sheep's milk from Lacha and Carranzana races.
Production Area
Idiazábal PDO is produced in the areas of Álava, Vizcaya, and Guipúzcoa in the Autonomous Community of País Vasco and the Autonomous Community of Navarra, with the exception of El Valle del Roncal.
Production Method
The milk is coagulated with animal rennet for 20-45 minutes, at a constant temperature of 28 to 32°C. After breaking, the curds are shaken for 15 minutes and then heated. Once placed in the mould, the paste is pressed for 5-6 hours, then it undergoes dry salting or in brine.
Appearance and Flavour
Idiazábal PDO has a cylindrical shape; the rind is a pale yellow colour, darker for the smoked cheese. The paste is compact and yellowy-white with small holes. The not-overly-seasoned cheese is creamy with the light, characteristic aroma of sheep milk, while the more-seasoned version has a delicate aroma of beech and birch woods and hawthorn, due to the smoking process.
The origins of Idiazábal PDO go back at least as far as the medieval period. Indeed, some ancient documents cite the production methods and the procedures to usufruct the pastures.
Idiazábal PDO should be kept in a fresh and dry environment. In summer, it is better to keep it in the least cool compartment of the refrigerator. This product can be eaten every day, whether fresh or seasoned, especially as an appetiser. It is also used as an ingredient in soufflé and other recipes. It goes well with cider but even better with full-bodied red wine.
The product is sold as Idiazábal PDO and Idiazábal PDO affumicado (smoked). It is sold whole or in pieces, in suitable containers or vacuum-sealed.
Distinctive Features
The taste of Idiazábal PDO changes according to the pastures upon which the sheep grazed. The more calcareous pastures of Sierra de Urbasa and Andía give a sweeter flavour, while the more acidic Sierra de Aralar a spicier one.