The Hopfen aus der Hallertau PGI refers to dried hop cones (Lupuli strobulus), belonging to the Cannabinacee family and to the Urticaceae order, which are produced only by the female hop plant, and to the products obtained by its processing, such as 90 and 45 types of pellets enriched with lupulin or hop extracts through CO2 and ethanol.
Production Area
The production area of Hopfen aus der Hallertau PGI covers the municipal districts of Eichstätt, Freising, Kehlheim, Landshut, Nürnberger Land and Pfaffenhofen, in the Federal State of Bavaria.
Production Method
The hopper is cropped in hopper groves from March, when the cut and stacking is made together with tying up, weeding, operations of phytosanitary protection and the mechanic preparation of the ground. The harvesting period changes depending on varieties and starts between the end of August and mid September. Later, Hopfen aus der Hallertau PGI has to be stored in refrigerating rooms until its transformation into pellets and hop extracts. During the pelletizing phase, the dried hop cones are grinded and transformed into pellets by means of a high pressure. A part of them is transformed into extracts. The different substances are extracted through CO2 and ethanol based solvents.
Appearance and Flavour
The inflorescence of Hopfen aus der Hallertau PGI has the unique and unmistakable shape of a cone. The female inflorescences are rich in resin glands which secrete a yellowish substance used both to flavour the bier and to give it its distinctive bitter taste.
The production of Hopfen aus der Hallertau PGI is an integral part of the well-rooted tradition of hopper cultivation which by now has been passed on for millennia. The origins of this plant cultivation in Hallertau goes back to the 11th century A.D., as demonstrated by the first official document, which mentions its cultivation and is dated back to 860. The Hallertau area has climatic and morphologic conditions which are very favourable for this cultivation. In fact, today this is widest area in the world dedicated to the cultivation of hopper. The many folkloric festivals dedicated to this product - for example the Wolnzacher Volksfest , taking place in August or the Mainburger Gallimarkt which is held the first days of October, or the festival that includes the nomination of the "queen of hopper" - are pieces of evidence of the link between the area and the production of hopper.
Over 99% of Hopfen aus der Hallertau PGI, including its by-products, is used as an ingredient to prepare the beer. The product is also a natural preservative of beer, because it has antibacterial proprieties and favours the coagulation of the suspended proteins in the beer making it clearer. Plus, it makes easier the foam's duration. The product's conservation follows specific methods depending on the transformation method used.
The product is sold as Hopfen aus der Hallertau PGI in the following varieties: bitter (Hallertauer Magnum, Hallertauer Taurus, Herkules and Northern Brewer) and aromatic (Hallertauer Tradition, Perle, Spalter Select, Saphir, Hallertauer Mittelfrüh and Hersbrucker Spät).
Distinctive Features
Hopfen aus der Hallertau PGI owes its famous properties to the combination between the pedoclimatic condition of Hallertau region - characterised by the absence of frost already from the end of April, a moderate sunlight and abundant rainfalls - which have been passed on from generation to generation and refined over time.