The Colline Saluzzesi PDO is reserved for the following types of wine: Red, Rosé and Spumante (only with specification of grape variety). The Designation also incorporates numerous grape variety and geographical specifications.
Production Area
The production area of Colline Saluzzesi PDO is within the territory of numerous municipalities in the Province of Cuneo, in the Piedmont region.
Description of product typologies
Colline Saluzzesi PDO Rosso is ruby-red in colour, varying in intensity; the varietal fragrances of the grape varieties on the nose maintain a fruity note, with tertiary fragrances blending harmoniously with aromatic freshness; it is embracing, well-structured and mildly tannic on the palate.Colline Saluzzesi PDO Rosé and Colline Saluzzesi PDO Spumante wines with specification of grape variety have the typical organoleptic properties of the grapes and terroir of origin.
Grape variety specifications
The Colline Saluzzesi PDO may display the following grape variety specifications.From the red grape variety: Barbera, Chatus, Pelaverga(incl. Rosé), Quagliano (incl. Spumante).The characteristics of the colour, fragrances and flavour of each specification are those typical of the grape variety and terroir of origin.Colline Saluzzesi PDO Chatus must have undergone a minimum ageing period of 12 months, commencing October 15th of the year in which the grapes were produced. It can be released for consumption from November 1st of the year following that of the harvest.
Additional specifications
The Colline Saluzzesi PDO designation can be followed by the specification Vigna (Vineyard) with the relative toponym.