Clementine di Calabria PGI are citrus fruit deriving from the following cultivars, cloned selections and bud mutations: Spinoso, SRA 63, Comune, Hernandina, Fedele, Tardivo, Marisol and Nules.
Production Area
The production area of Clementine di Calabria PGI is within 61 municipalities in the provinces of Reggio Calabria, Catanzaro, Cosenza, Vibo Valenzia and Crotone, in the Calabria region.
Production Method
Clementine di Calabria PGI are cultivated in medium blend soil, in orchards which have a maximum density of 1200 plants per hectare, mainly situated in coastal and flat areas. The main cultivation method used is “full crown”, with the trees planted in a rectangle. The clementine trees must also be planted at a suitable distance from the mandarin trees, in order to prevent cross-pollination that would lead to seeded fruit production. Harvesting is only carried out once a year, in the period between October and February.
Appearance and Flavour
Clementine di Calabria PGI are a round, slightly flattened at the top and bottom, with a minimum size of 16-18 mm. The peel is smooth and dark orange, with numerous oil-yielding glands. The pulp is juicy, deliquescent and aromatic. The hesperidium is either seedless or contains just a few.
Clementine di Calabria PGI are hybrids of bitter oranges and common mandarins, and they are the most lucrative citrus fruit thanks to their early-ripening and goodness. The name “clementine” derives from Father Clemente Rodier, the monk who identified the plant in the Misserghin mission near Oran, Algeria, in the early twentieth century. However, its origins are controversial, and in fact according to botanist Yoshio Tanaka (1838-1916), clementine are citrus fruit similar to the Chinese Canton mandarin (Citrus clementine Hort.). In Calabria, where this citrus fruit found its natural habitat, clementine cultivation became widely spread between 1930 and 1950, and since then it has become a stable and extremely important crop, both for the area’s economy and traditions.
Clementine di Calabria PGI should be kept in the refrigerator, where their characteristics remain unaltered for several weeks. They are generally eaten after a meal, nicely ripe, although they are also widely used in sorbets, juices, syrups, liqueurs – clementine liqueur is very well-known – jams and fruit salads, as well as seasonal fruit-based desserts like orange and clementine cake and clementine and ricotta mousse. They are also delicious candied or covered in chocolate. These citrus fruit are also becoming a popular ingredient in pasta dishes, for example, “Tagliolini with courgette and Clementine di Calabria PGI”, an extremely simple recipe with fresh pasta, courgette, clementine, crushed pistachio and shallot, seasoned with white wine, extra virgin olive oil, fresh mint, salt and pepper. Clementine di Calabria PGI are also widely used in the cosmetic industry for making tonic lotions and face masks, which are extremely popular.
The product is marketed as Clementine di Calabria PGI. They are sold in sealed packets with a minimum capacity of 500 g and multiples thereof.
Distinctive Features
Clementine di Calabria PGI, which grow in an area with a mild and regular climate, is the only clementine that ripens extremely early, at the beginning of October.