The Cedro di Santa Maria del Cedro PDO refers to the fresh fruit, or hesperidium obtained from the cultivation of the smooth Diamante variety of the species Citrus medica, L.
Production Area
The production area of Cedro di Santa Maria del Cedro PDO is within the territory of 18 municipalities in the Province of Cosenza, in the Calabria region.
Production Method
Cedro di Santa Maria del Cedro PDO is cultivated with a low or open centre system, using a traditional pergola to support the weight of the fruit. The citron plants are covered with shade nets or other cover systems, in order to protect them and the fruit from the harsh winter climate and strong winds. A leaf or pieces of cloth, paper, or bamboo are placed between the fruit so that they don’t touch each other, thereby obtaining a smooth peel without scratches or grooves. Propagation is carried out by cutting and grafting, taking only the material with the best genetic characteristics from the mother plants. Harvesting must be done gradually and only by hand, so as not to damage the fruit. The main harvest takes place between October 15th and December 15th, while the late harvest takes place between February 15th and April 30th. Storage in temperature-controlled rooms is permitted.
Appearance and Flavour
Cedro di Santa Maria del Cedro PDO has an oval shape with a petiolate apex. The outer skin (flavedo) is smooth and firm and must not have any irregularities, and is an intense green colour tending towards to yellow; the inner skin (albedo) is white and very firm; the pulp is yellow tending towards to light green, with an intense and acidulous flavour and aromatic smell.
The cultivation of Citron was established in Calabria as early as the 3rd-2nd century BC, by Hellenistic Jews who followed in the footsteps of Greek settlers. It is likely that the Jewish peoples brought some citron specimens with them to keep their religious ceremonies alive, one of which (Sukkot) still includes the use of citron (Perì 'etz hadar), which Rabbis believe is the precious “melon” in the Garden of Eden. Its bond with the territory remained so strong that in 1968 the Municipality of Cipollina changed its name to today’s Santa Maria del Cedro.
Cedro di Santa Maria del Cedro PDO should be stored in the refrigerator or in a cool, dry place. In addition to being consumed fresh, it is mainly used to make candied citron, jams, sweets, syrups, liqueurs, grappa and natural cosmetics; it is also used to make extra virgin olive oil flavoured with citron and cedrata. It is used to produce typical Calabrian products, such as panicelli (citron leaf parcels stuffed with Zibibbo Muscat raisins and candied citron, tied with young broom stems and baked), dried fig croquettes, ice cream and water ices. It is mainly paired with fish and white meat.
The product is marketed fresh as Cedro di Santa Maria del Cedro PDO, under the categories First, for fruits weighing more than 600 g, and Second, for fruits weighing between 250 and 600 g. The packaging and marking of individual fruit is permitted. It is available from October 15th until the end of January for the main harvest, and from February 15th until the end of May for the late harvest.
Distinctive Features
Cedro di Santa Maria del Cedro PDO has a smooth, fleshy outer peel, while the inner peel is thick and rich in pectin and sugars, making the fruit particularly suitable for candying. These unique characteristics are due to the genetic selection carried out by producers over the centuries, and the particular pedoclimatic conditions linked to the soil that is rich in minerals and contains little calcium.