The Castagna di Montella PGI refers to the fresh or dried chestnut belonging to the species Castanea sativa M., 90% of which derives from the Palummina cultivar and the remaining 10% from other native varieties, in particular Verdola.
Production Area
The production area of Castagna di Montella PGI is within the municipalities of Montella, Bagnoli Irpino, Cassano Irpino, Nusco, Volturara Irpina and Montemarano, in particular the district of Bolifano, in the Province of Avellino, in the Campania region.
Production Method
The chestnuts ripen gradually, at times taking over a month. Harvesting is usually carried out by hand using traditional techniques that require a careful selection of the fruit; it begins in September and ends in October. The chestnuts are then sorted, graded and stored. The fresh fruit is conserved in room temperature water for a period of 4-8 days, a technique known as “curatura” (dipping). Dried chestnuts are desiccated with the traditional method, in drying rooms on two levels that are generally built of stone, over a low and constant flame. During desiccation, the fruit are regularly turned and the internal temperature is controlled daily as it must remain constant. The process lasts for an average of 15-20 days.
Appearance and Flavour
Castagna di Montella PGI is medium to small-medium in size and has a roundish shape with a lower flat surface and a convex base. The skin is thin and deep brown and is easily removed. The pulp is white and crunchy with a sweet and pleasant flavour.
The origins of Castagna di Montella PGI are deeply rooted in a centuries old tradition. In fact, it appears that the cultivation of chestnuts – originally from Asia Minor – in the Montella area dates back to a between the 6th and 5th century BC. The chestnut tree found an ideal environment in the Province of Avellino, due to its climate and the volcanic nature of the soil. The first law for the protection of this cultivation dates back to the time of the Longobards, demonstrating that even at that time this fruit was considered a precious resource, above all for the fact that chestnut flour could be conserved for a long time. Immigration during the 19th century led to the Montella chestnut arriving in the United States and Canada.
Castagna di Montella PGI should be kept in a cool, dry place, away from heat sources. Thanks to its noteworthy fragrance, taste and long shelf life, it is used both fresh and dried, with or without its shell, both whole or as flour. Castagna di Montella PGI can be roasted or boiled in water or milk. It is excellent as a garnish for meat and in soups, as well as being an essential ingredient for many different desserts. “Castagne del prete”, a typical Christmas delicacy, are very well-known: the chestnuts, locally known as gratali, are dried over a low flame in their skin, after which they are roasted and rehydrated with water or water and wine. Castagna di Montella PGI is particularly sought after by the processing industry, in order to produce Marrons Glacés and chestnut jams and creams.
The product is marketed as Castagna di Montella PGI and is available from October, either fresh or dried. The dried product is sold whole, shelled or unshelled, and as flour in food-grade packaging. The fresh product is packaged in jute bags, net-bags or other suitable containers weighing between 1 and 10 kg.
Distinctive Features
From a nutritional viewpoint, Castagna di Montella PGI is particularly indicated for the organism due to its elevated carbohydrate content and high energy values.