The Carne Mertolenga PDO is obtained from the Mertolenga breed of cattle which is a medium sized animal with a reddish coat with white patches and white hook shaped horns.
Production Area
Carne Mertolenga PDO is produced in the districts of Beja, Évora, Portalegre, Santarém and Setúbal.
Production Method
these cows are reared extensively with 1.4 animals per hectare. They are fed on natural feed from the pastures or straw and hay from the harvests.
Appearance and Flavour
Carne Mertolenga PDO varies in colour from dark pink to dark red. It has a pH factor of less than 6 and is not excessively fatty. It is succulent and full of flavour.
The origins of Carne Mertolenga PDO are linked to the word mertolengo which was the name given over the years to a particular species of cattle which had always populated the area around Mertola and which spread all over Alto Alentejo and Ribatejo. The success of this beef was a greatly appreciated source of income for the cattle farmers of this area and thus preserved the purity of the breed.
Carne Mertolenga PDO is stored and refrigerated at a temperature of 1°C. It can then be butchered and frozen at a temperature of 18°C. Once bought, the meat can only be kept in the fridge for a few days. The veal is normally used for roasting, grilling and frying. The less noble parts of the animal are used in local dishes such as cozidos which is a highly calorific soup made with beans, potatoes, cauliflower, green and white cabbage, carrots and rice and to which other ingredients may also be added. Estufados are the classic pot roast cooked with a variety of other ingredients, and guisados in which the meat is stewed over a low flame in a sauce, wine and olive oil.
This beef is sold as Carne Mertolenga PDO in two categories: Vitela, from cows 6 to 10 months old and weighing between 90 kg and 120 kg; Novilho, beef from cows aged between 15 and 30 months and weighing between 180 kg and 250 kg. It is sold whole, in pieces or prepacked and clearly identified and labelled in cuts and joints.
Distinctive Features
In some areas of Ribatejo and Alentejo, cattle of the Mertolenga breed, from which Carne Mertolenga PDO is produced, graze together with the herds of the Brava breed. This is possible because the bulls are castrated. The meat is often sold locally in clay containers which confer a particular flavour to the meat.