The Carne de Vacuno del País Vasco PGI is a meat obtained from animals from the Pirenaica, Limousin, Alpine Bruna, Blonda breeds and relative cross breeds. It is produced in three types: Txahala, Zaharra and Idia, depending on the butchering age, sex and weight. The Txahala meat comes from male and female calves butchered at an age between 8 and 20 months, whose minimum weight is 210 kg for males and 160 kg for females. Instead, the Zaharra meat is from adult bovine butchered between 21 and 84 months, their minimum weight is 275 kg. Finally, the Idia meat comes from castrated male animals slaughtered between 21 and 59 months, with a minimum weight of 275 kg.
Production Area
The production area of the Carne de Vacuno del País Vasco PGI covers the entire area of the Autonomous Community of the Basque provinces, made up of the provinces of Gipuzkoa, Bizkaia and Alava.
Production Method
The bovine cattle are raised following traditional methods and nurtured with natural fodder like fresh grass and dried grass, straw and hay. Free range pasturing and transhumance, necessary to provide the constant presence of fresh fodder, are the characteristics of the breeding of this species of bovine. If it is necessary to integrate the alimentation, then authorised supplements are utilized. The transport to the slaughterhouse is carried out in specialised vehicles to avoid as far as possible any stresses to the animals and influence negatively on the quality of the final products. All the procedures of slaughtering, cutting and identification must respect the production regulations.
Appearance and Flavour
The Carne de Vacuno del País Vasco PGI has a colour which goes from pink to red for the Txahala meat and from red to dark red for the Zaharra and Idia types.
The origins of the Carne de Vacuno del País Vasco PGI can be found in many documents which prove the existence of the autochthonous Pirenaica breed in the production area, already since Neolithic times. Instead, the Bruna alpina breed was the first to be imported and has adapted perfectly to the ambient and the breeding territory.
The Carne de Vacuno del País Vasco PGI can be kept in the refrigerator for a few days, wrapped in protective film in the coolest compartment. It is a very versatile meat and is excellent grilled, spit roasted or pan seared. It is excellent also stewed or boiled. The Carne de Vacuno del País Vasco PGI can be served with many other ingredients like vegetables, mushrooms, rice etc. and with chutneys or nutmeg for a large variety of dishes. Excellent tasted with good red wines.
The product is sold as Carne de Vacuno del País Vasco PGI in three types: Txahala, Zaharra and Idia, as approved by the agricultural regulations. It is sold in pieces or in containers suitable to the various weights.
Distinctive Features
The Carne de Vacuno del País Vasco PGI meats owe their flavour, succulence and tenderness to the fact that the cattle are bred with a transhumance procedure and, therefore, are left to graze in open air pastures all year round, utilising the natural resources of the region.