The Beurre Rose - Marque Nationale du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg PDO is a butter produced exclusively with sour cream without the addition of salt.
Production Area
Beurre Rose - Marque Nationale du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg PDO is made throughout the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
Production Method
Beurre Rose - Marque Nationale du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg PDO is produced throughout the year following strict standards that guarantee a high quality end product. In the past this butter was made in the traditional way but today it is made in dairies which use continuous churning methods. The butter undergoes rigorous chemical and flavour analysis 15 times a year apart from all the normal tests for quality and hygiene that are carried out on all food products.
Appearance and Flavour
The flavour and aroma of Beurre Rose - Marque Nationale du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg PDO is undoubtedly dependant on the flora of the region on which the cows feed and the milk and fresh cream production methods of this region.
The history of Beurre Rose - Marque Nationale du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg PDO dates back to the 1930s. The designation Beurre de Marque Nationale Luxembourgeois in fact was established in 1932 with a specific licensing regulation which was amended on 3rd July, 1970 with the Réglement du Gouvernement en Conseil which established a national protected brand name for Luxembourg butter.
To conserve and preserve the high quality of this butter it is recommended to store it at a temperature of between 1°C and 4°C in the dark and either in its original wrapping or in an airtight container so that it does not oxidise or absorb smells from other foods. Beurre Rose - Marque Nationale du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg PDO can be eaten on bread or used as an ingredient in cakes and pastries. It is often used for cooking meat and eggs.
This butter is sold as Beurre Rose - Marque Nationale du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg PDO. It is only marketed in weights of 250 gr and 500 gr.
Distinctive Features
Beurre Rose - Marque Nationale du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg PDO has its own distinctive flavour and taste. This depends largely on the specific regional vegetation which contributes to the quality of the milk that is used but also on the particular method of producing this butter.