The Alcachofa de Benicarló PDO is the head of artichoke from Cynarus scolymus L. species, Blanca de Tudela variety.
Production Area
The production area of the Alcachofa de Benicarló PDO covers the district of Castellón in the Valencia community.
Production Method
The cutting system is used for the plant reproduction and is made with previously selected plants. The artichoke is planted in July and August. The plants are fertilized during the entire period of cultivation depending on specific needs, and the localized irrigation is being more and more replaced by the traditional one, as it enables a more rational use of water. At the beginning of the cultivation, the weeds are frequently eliminated, through a chemical process or by hand. Earthing ups become less frequent when the plants achieve three or four leaves. They are harvested by hand with the help of a knife, and this work is completed from October to April. When picking up is ended, the product is transported to the conditioning centres for the accurate selection and classification.
Appearance and Flavour
The appearance of the Alcachofa de Benicarló PDO is compact and conic. The artichoke, after being cut, becomes black.
The origins of Alcachofa de Benicarló PDO go back to the 18th century. This cultivation, especially in the municipal area of Benicarló, boasts a very ancient tradition, confirmed by its municipal crest, where a plant of artichoke is reproduced. The present production and sales started at the beginning of last century, when the increase in business exchanges, favoured by the development of transports, convinced the farmers to improve the production of the Alcachofa de Benicarló PDO.
The Alcachofa de Benicarló PDO must be stored in fresh and dry rooms. It can be stored in the refrigerator for some days. To increase its conservation, it is advised to eliminate its external and hardest leaves and the stalk and to put the artichokes in hermetically sealed containers, where they can be stored for about 5-6 days. The Alcachofa de Benicarló PDO should be eaten immediately after purchasing. Generally, it is used fresh or slightly boiled. It is a very versatile product. It is an ingredient suitable to prepare a lot of dishes, from risotto to basic dishes of fish and seafood and some types of desserts.
The product is sold as Alcachofa de Benicarló PDO and it can be found in two varieties: Extra and I. The product is sold unpacked.
Distinctive Features
The maritime Mediterranean climate characterized by mild winters and grounds rich in carbonate rocks give to the Alcachofa de Benicarló PDO the quality which makes it unique.