The Agneau du Quercy PGI is lamb achieved almost only from Causses du Lot breed and only in a minimum part from the Blanche du Massif Central and Lacaune breeds. The Causse du Lot is a local breed characterized by black, round spots around the eyes. It is ideal to live in the difficult condition of calcareous tablelands. It is the only breed able to find a suitable nurture from the scarce vegetation of these lands.
Production Area
The Agneau du Quercy is born, raised and put down in the antique department of Quercy. This area includes the department of Lot, in the Midi-Pyrenees region, and the neighbouring departments, except of Cantal, in addition to the area of Sarlat in Dordogne, in the Aquitaine region and the department of Corrèze in the Limousin region.
Production Method
The Agneau du Quercy PGI is born and is raised in the sheepfold and, partially, in the open air of the geographic, production area. It is nurtured with mother's milk for about 70 days, then with grass depending on the availability of this resource, following the rhythm of seasons. The periodic selection of live lambs enables to optimize the quality of the final carcass. Slaughtering is made at five months of age by authorised butchers located in the production area. The average weight after slaughtering is of about 17.5 kg.
Appearance and Flavour
The meat of Agneau du Quercy PGI is highly tender and has a pale rose colour. The fat is rosy white with a soft taste
The origins of Agneau du Quercy PGI go back to the French ancient tradition of lamb farming. In addition, this animal was the first to be recognised with a quality brand at a national level, achieved more than 25 years ago.
The Agneau du Quercy PGI can be conserved for a few days in the refrigerator, wrapped into the purchasing paper, in the coldest compartment. It is ideal to be cooked in different ways, also depending on the lamb cut chosen: from classical spit-roasting, roasted in oven, stewed or with oriental recipes accompanied with spices and dry fruits. It is good combined with vegetable trimmings, in particular with salt- and ash-cooked potatoes. The ideal trimmings are potatoes and dry tomatoes, but also fresh gratin onions with rocket bread coating, easy to prepare and tasteful.
The product is sold as Agneau du Quercy PGI. It is marketed fresh, whole without head or in slices packed in trays with protected atmosphere which guarantee a longer conservation and keep its organoleptic features.
Distinctive Features
The nurture of Agneau du Quercy PGI consists of almost only mother's milk and this characteristic makes its meat soft and velvety, with unique flavour.